David Morley Computer Services (DMCS) covers the commercial activities of David Morley – sole trader – of 26 Wessex Estate, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1XE. The services are detailed in the website – www.davidmorleycomputers.com
Services are offered by DMCS in good faith and on the understanding of mutual respect and benefit between DMCS and the customer.
Products and services provided
DMCS provides computer and technology related services to customers (private individuals, sole traders and businesses), including advice, solutions and equipment supply and installation, after sales support, etc. DMCS may also provide website design, web hosting, email hosting and other digital services.
All communication between DMCS and the customer – written, electronic, verbal - forms part of the contract of service. Formal written contracts and/or Purchase Orders may be used for larger projects and website design projects or for on-going subscription services e.g. web or email hosting.
Payment terms – when is payment due and ownership of goods
Charges will be made for labour and for the supply of equipment, products or services provided. Invoices will normally specify that payment must be made within 7 days of the invoice date for IT support or 30 days of the invoice date for web/email hosting.
Quotations or estimates are normally provided for larger projects and for smaller projects if required. Details of the current labour charges for ad-hoc work are available on the DMCS website.
Where DMCS has reasonable grounds to believe that there is a risk that the customer may not be able to pay, payment in advance may be requested. Credit checks may be carried out on prospective customers.
All goods will remain the property of DMCS until payment is received in full.
Customers will usually be invoiced on completion of the work. In the case of projects where equipment, supplies or services from third party suppliers or products and equipment are being supplied as part of the project, full or part payment may be required in advance to cover these, with any remaining charges being invoiced once the project is complete.
Website development projects will normally require partial payment in advance, with the balance being invoiced once the website goes live.
Guarantees or warranties offered
DMCS is committed to providing quality services. Any equipment provided would normally be covered by standard manufacturer’s warranties. Warranties may be dated from the date of purchase by DMCS rather than the date of supply to the customer.
Website projects normally include a period of support following the “go-live” date. The specific time period is specified in the website quotation.
Timelines for delivery and any queries
Clear timelines will normally be agreed with the customer. DMCS strives to clearly communicate with the customer regarding any potential delays or issues in supplying services or products.
Concerns regarding quality of work should be addressed directly to DMCS and every effort will be made to rectify any issue as quickly as possible where DMCS is at fault.
Collection of Customers' Property
Customers should collect their goods/equipment/property in a timely manner upon completion of any work by DMCS. If goods are not collected after 4 weeks from the completion of work and no communication has been received from the customer, DMCS reserves the right to dispose of those goods/equipment/property without notice. Failure by the customer to communicate wishes regarding their uncollected property will imply that the customer no longer wishes to retain their property.
Late payments
Late payment of invoices can be time consuming and stressful to administer. Prompt payment is therefore required and expected. If the customer is having trouble paying they are encouraged to discuss this with DMCS and to try to agree a process for payments to be made. If no agreement for meeting payments can be agreed late payments will be handled in the following steps:
- The customer will be reminded that payment is due once the initial 7 or 30 day payment period has passed
- Should the invoice remain unpaid after 60 days from the invoice date a further invoice will be sent to the customer to cover interest on amounts owed and any late payment charges in line with government guidelines on the late payment of commercial debt: charging interest and debt recovery - https://www.gov.uk/late-commercial-payments-interest-debt-recovery/when-a-payment-becomes-late
- Continued failure to pay outstanding invoices will result in any services, subscriptions (e.g. web hosting, email hosting) being terminated without prior notice. Services will only be reinstated upon full payment of all outstanding amounts.
- Interest will be charged for each further month that invoices remain unpaid.
- Court action or debt recovery steps will be taken if invoices remain outstanding for 3 months or more. The costs of any debt recovery steps including court costs, travel costs and legal costs will be payable by the customer.
The activities of DMCS are covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance and £2,000,000 Public Liability Insurance – provided by AXA Business Insurance.
Web hosting
Website hosting uses DMCS’ web hosting provider, Siteground. Hosting is part of a high quality shared hosting package and as such no cpanel access is available for customers.
Fair usage policies are in force regarding the volume of visits to the website.
There are also limitations on the content of websites which can be hosted. Content of a violent, sexual or offensive nature will not be hosted. Content which violates trademarks or the use of copyrighted material may be removed without notice. All responsibility and liability for such content lies with the customer and not with DMCS.
Free web hosting offer
New websites may include 12 months free website hosting. Free web hosting is only applicable to customers who have no outstanding invoice payments due.
Free web hosting does not apply to website redesigns, updates or websites moved from other web hosts.
Legal framework
Any Contract or Agreement between DMCS and the customer is governed by the law of England and Wales.