01425 475642
07765 424557

laptop repairs

Originally from Yorkshire, I have lived in the Ringwood area for over 30 years.

I qualified with a degree in Information Systems at Staffordshire University. I then took a career detour - lasting around 20 years - to work in social care and special education in a residential special school, in various roles including as a teacher, manager and leader.

As part of my work in social care and special education I increasingly found myself being called on to address issues with computers owned by the school I worked for. Eventually I took on the formal IT management role for the school and continued to do this part time until summer 2014.

In 2011 I decided to diversify and set up my own business - David Morley Computer Services - to offer computer repairs and website design. I orginally did this part-time but have now run my business full-time for a number of years.

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david morley