01425 475642
07765 424557

laptop repairs

I can visit your home/business or we can arrange times for you to drop off and pick up your computer. I can also offer remote support in some cases.

I have a standard labour charge of £50 per job/visit. This includes up to one hour of labour. Any time required beyond the initial hour is rounded up to the nearest quarter of an hour and charged at the same rate, i.e. £12.50 per quarter of an hour.

Charges for repairing broken laptop screens start at £50 for labour plus the cost of the replacement LCD screen (from around £35.00). I am happy to quote for screen replacements. Please note that repairing touch screen LCDs can be more challenging and finding parts can be difficult and expensive, but I am happy to check your particular make and model of laptop and provide a quote if the work is possible.

I do not charge VAT.